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6 Incredible Benefits of Teeth Polishing

Do you want your teeth to feel and look slick? Do you have a desire to have gleaming teeth? Well, dental polishing is the way to go. Tooth polishing/coronal polishing refers to the process of smoothing the exposed tooth surface using a slow-speed dental tool. The following are the top six reasons you should polish [...]

By |2015-09-22T22:54:50+00:00September 22nd, 2015|Cleaning and Prevention, Cosmetic Denstistry|0 Comments

4 Danger Dental Foods for Your Kids

Most foods preferred by kids offer little or no benefit to their growing bodies. Are you a parent wondering what drinks or foods are beneficial or harmful to your child’s teeth? Well, read on to find out what your kid should not take. Sugary Cereals Talk of sticking like glue! This is exactly what happens [...]

By |2015-09-23T21:58:15+00:00September 22nd, 2015|Cleaning and Prevention, Pediactric Dentistry|0 Comments
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